choosing a word of the year

A 3-Step Guide for Choosing A Word of the Year

If you read last year’s New Year’s Eve post then you know exactly how I feel about resolutions: they’re kinda “ew.” I just can’t get behind them. If you know that you need to change something, then whyyyyyyy are you waiting for a random (okay, it’s not so random) date to start meditating, eat healthier, or end your situation-ship with…

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a day trip from St. Pete Beach to downtown Venice

A Day Trip from St. Pete Beach: Downtown Venice

(Plus My Three Fave Things to Do There) It’s no secret that I am a total, complete beach bum. But for some reason, other members of my family don’t always want to be sandy. What? No, I don’t understand it, either! But when the mood hits, there’s nothing like taking a short (just one hour) day trip from St. Pete…

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Ready to Start Running Again? Check Out the C25K App

Before I start, I have a disclaimer for y’all: yes, this is a product review. No, I’m not getting paid for it.  If you read my previous post about getting my booty off the couch and out for a run, I promised you a product review. And here it is! The one product that has (sort of) made me a…

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5 for Friday, 2.27

(Yes, I know it’s actually Saturday. It was a long week. Don’t judge!) Reading: this phrase: “Never stop starting.” Oof, that one hit hard. Those three words just torched so many excuses I’ve been making lately. Watching: the Full Snow Moon. I’m heading out to the new St. Pete Pier in a little bit for an even better view. I’d…

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You’re a virgin who can’t drive…

Raise your hand if you know what movie that line came from. (If you didn’t raise your hand, do yourself a favor, put down your phone and go watch Clueless right now.) I’ve had that phrase stuck in my head all week. Because I looked at myself in the mirror the other day and thought, “You’re a runner who doesn’t…

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5 for Friday, 2.5

Reading: post-it notes. Bear with me on this one… I read a fantastic tip for writers. Basically, you write each idea on a post-it, then keep grouping and rearranging them until you you’re satisfied with the order they’re in. It seemed awfully time-consuming, and a waste of post-its. Then I actually tried it and it works like a charm! My…

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5 Tips for Meditating (without dying of boredom)

Relax and say ommmm… I have a confession to make: I am terrible at meditating. The worst. Seriously.  And it’s not because I don’t try. Trust me, I try. I get in my pose, close my eyes, clear my mind, focus on my breathing. Everything I’m supposed to be doing, right?  And then, after my allotted 20 minutes, I look…

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5 for Friday, 1.29.21

Reading: magazines! I rarely make time to read “fluff” but I just love it soooo much! I can oh so slightly justify it by claiming it’s for work, because they are mostly fitness magazines. It’s nice to take it easy and read something just for fun. Watching: an amazing masterclass by Ana Nieto on writing and publishing a book. She’s…

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5 for Friday, 1.15.21

Reading: A Secret History of Witches by Luisa Morgan. It’s an enthralling generational tale; the witchcraft is almost the least important part of it. Her richly drawn character studies are absolutely fascinating. I am awed and humbled by authors who honor the language. Watching: squiggly letters dancing across my computer screen, ugh. I wish I could blame it on the…

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Drink Up!

I’ve been thinking a lot about morning rituals lately. I think it’s because I miss running, which is my favorite thing I used to do consistently. I really want to make time for running again, if not every morning than at least 4-5 times per week. I felt so much better, physically and emotionally, when I was a runner. Anyways……

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