5 for Friday, 1.15.21

This week, I'm...
  • Reading: A Secret History of Witches by Luisa Morgan. It’s an enthralling generational tale; the witchcraft is almost the least important part of it. Her richly drawn character studies are absolutely fascinating. I am awed and humbled by authors who honor the language.
  • Watching: squiggly letters dancing across my computer screen, ugh. I wish I could blame it on the monitor, but I’ve been spending a bit too much time online lately. And it shows.
  • Learning: how to read Tarot Cards. I’m kinda “woo” like that. Don’t judge me!
  • Trying: Upwork! OMG what took me so long to get on board with it?!? Have y’all ever used it? I had heard horror stories about underpaid assignments, impossible to please editors, and so on. But I guess I’m lucky, because I’ve had nothing but good experiences. Plus, let’s be real – who DOESN’T want to get paid for doing what they love? (No, they’re not paying me to eat chocolate, they’re paying me to write. Haters!)
  • Loving: that my sister lives close by. We’re having a “chocolate and wine” sleepover tonight and nothing could make my heart happier.

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