5 for Friday, 2.27

(Yes, I know it’s actually Saturday. It was a long week. Don’t judge!)

This week, I'm...
  • Reading: this phrase: “Never stop starting.” Oof, that one hit hard. Those three words just torched so many excuses I’ve been making lately.
  • Watching: the Full Snow Moon. I’m heading out to the new St. Pete Pier in a little bit for an even better view. I’d offer to post a pic, but we all know it’s just going to look like a little white blur.
  • Learning: the importance of good quality earbuds. Lord have mercy, kids and dogs are NOISY when I’m trying to write on the weekend. Anyone have a Spotify playlist they want to share?
  • Trying: to establish a routine as a freelance writer. I get distracted too easily, I know this. And I’m a perfectionist who loves to research a subject TO DEATH. So here’s my newest technique: I set a timer for 50 minutes. No stopping. No social media. No pulling a tarot card. Just heads-down work. I get so much done in 50 minutes, y’all! Try it out and let me know how it works for you.
  • Loving: a new fitness app that I just downloaded. I’m going to tell you all about it in the next couple of days, promise!

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