5 for Friday, 2.5

This week, I'm...
  • Reading: post-it notes. Bear with me on this one… I read a fantastic tip for writers. Basically, you write each idea on a post-it, then keep grouping and rearranging them until you you’re satisfied with the order they’re in. It seemed awfully time-consuming, and a waste of post-its. Then I actually tried it and it works like a charm! My writing is flowing faster than it ever has.
  • Watching: Lupin on Netflix. Holy cow! Who else is watching? He’s like a French Sherlock Holmes – if Sherlock were a thief. Every episode plays with your mind. 10/10 recommend!
  • Learning: that I can’t sit all day. I love the freelancer lifestyle, don’t get me wrong. I love writing all day on interesting, exciting projects. Until I stand up. My sore body is letting me know that I need to get up and move much more often than I do. Listen to your bodies, y’all. It’s telling you the truth!
  • Trying: to give up chocolate. I tried for almost the entire month of January, but I think my longest chocolate-free streak was mayyyybe 4 days. Maybe I should just accept that I’m a chocoholic and give up something less yummy…
  • Loving: Trello. I may be an artist, but I am way too Type A to not be on top of my schedule. I’ve been using it to track the status of my freelancing gigs, and I feel so much more centered and in control. I can actually create better work when I’m not worried about what might be falling between the cracks.

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