5 For Friday: the Christmas Edition

Yes, I know it’s not quite Friday yet, but this week Friday is also Christmas Day, so let’s get a head start on this, shall we?

This week, I'm...
  • Reading: Christmas cookie recipes. So far, we’ve gone through lemon cookies, strawberry cookies, chocolate chip cheesecake bars, and pretzel kisses. Next we’re going to make snowballs, M&M cookies, and almond cookies. Luckily I have two teen-aged boys who devour an entire tray of cookies before I can even decide which one I want – they make it impossible for me to overindulge!
  • Watching: The Nutcracker – virtually. The Moscow Ballet performs in St. Pete every year. It’s an event; we get dressed up and go out for dessert afterwards. This being 2020, though, we opted for their streaming version and had a pizza-and-pajamas party on the couch. I’ll admit, I wasn’t too keen on the idea initially, but as soon as I heard those first notes, I was in Holiday Heaven. And the behind-the-scenes extras – the backstage glimpses and cast/crew interviews – truly enhanced the virtual experience. But I still can’t wait to see them in person again next year!
  • Learning: to take it easy. Ugh. I have a minor injury that refuses to heal (because I teach 8+ fitness classes per week). But it’s been a month now, so yeah. This week I canceled almost all of my classes, skipped my lunchtime walks, and haven’t hit 10,000 steps even once. What am I supposed to do instead? Share your suggestions in the comments!
  • Trying: to be okay with the fact that my baby is playing Cards Against Humanity. MY BABY. I really want to pretend that he doesn’t know what some (okay, most) of these cards mean, but here he is, laughing hysterically throughout the game. Stop growing up, boys!
  • Loving: sleeping in! Usually, my household is up by 6am for the school dropoffs. But 2 weeks off of school for the kids = 2 weeks of sleeping in for Mom. I’m so much happier when I get my full 8 hours of sleep. Zzzzzzzz…

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