A 3-Step Guide for Choosing A Word of the Year

If you read last year’s New Year’s Eve post then you know exactly how I feel about resolutions: they’re kinda “ew.” I just can’t get behind them. If you know that you need to change something, then whyyyyyyy are you waiting for a random (okay, it’s not so random) date to start meditating, eat healthier, or end your situation-ship with that toxic Capricorn?!

No, that doesn’t work for me… 

Instead, I’m all about choosing a word of the year. A mantra of sorts, something that I can remind myself of. Kind of like picking a theme. Something that applies across more than one area, but that sums up what I want my life to look like. 

Last year I felt like my life had simply been… happening, without any purpose or design. My word of the year became choose. I wanted to choose what my days, and thus my year, would look like. I wanted to create an intentional life, one that I chose for myself. 

This year, I have a ton of stuff to get done. Stuff that I’ve been putting off because it feels “icky.” And I don’t do icky. But I know that I need to move past certain situations (and people).

And that means I need to be (drumroll, please…)


  • Brave enough to set boundaries.
  • Brave enough to explore my feelings.
  • Brave enough to say “no” even when others expect me to agree.
  • Brave enough to say “yes” even when I’m scared. 
  • Brave enough to let go of the life I thought I’d have.
  • Brave enough to chase the life I dream of.

Brave enough to be my authentic self, even when I’m worried that people won’t like me as much. 

Convinced yet?

Follow these 3 quick steps for choosing your word of the year.

1. Reflect on the past year

Think back on the past year. 

  • What would you have changed? 
  • What would have made you happier? 
  • What do you need to have more of (or less of) in your days? 

Maybe you needed to focus more on your health. Or maybe you’d be happier if you could be more organized. Maybe you’re happy as it is, you just need to remember to appreciate your life. 

2. Visualize the coming year

Now think about this coming year. 

  • How do you want to feel at the end of each day? 
  • What do you want to say you’ve accomplished at the end of the year? 

Your goals don’t need to be superhuman to be significant. It’s okay if you just want to feel calm. It’s valid if all you want to accomplish is spending more time with friends and family. 

3. Narrow your choices

Now that you have some idea of what your overall theme for the year might be, “try on” a few different words. Decide which one just feels right. 

I remember the year I chose savor as my word of the year. I toyed with presence (it’s such a buzzword, no?) but ultimately, I didn’t want to just be present. I wanted to enjoy my experiences, and savor captured that perfectly!

 Feeling stuck? I got you, boo! Check out some of my absolute favorite candidates for word of the year: 

You don’t have to pick your word right away. Spend a few days with each word…focus on it, meditate with it. In the end, you’ll know which one is right for you.

Heck, you may even decide that 2 or 3 words are right for you.

Your life, your rules, boo!

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