5 for Friday, 1.8.21

Reading: my 2021 horoscopes! No, I’m not talking about the daily horoscope that says I’ll receive an unexpected financial windfall and meet someone tall, dark, and handsome. But I absolutely believe that planetary alignments and cosmic shifts affect aspects of our lives. Forewarned is forearmed, right? PS I’m super-sensitive Cancer, so the moon makes me hella moody. Watching: Bridgerton. Did…

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Ah stretches… they feel so good; we know they feel so good, yet very few of us actively stretch on a regular basis. We would rather optimize our gym time with a “real” workout, with a few half-hearted warmup/cooldown stretches thrown in, than to spend 10-15 precious minutes of our gym time on stretching our bodies.  But stretching is a…

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5 for Friday, 1.1.21

Reading: or actually, re-reading, Neil Gaiman’s past New Year’s Day posts. He is one of my favorite authors; everything I’ve read by him has utterly captivated me. And every few years, he writes the loveliest and most thought-provoking New Year’s Day wishes. One of my favorites, from 2011, is at the end of this post. Watching: The Queen’s Gambit. So…

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The Resolution Rebellion

Do you make a New Year’s resolution every year? Is this the year you’re going to start working out/ lose weight/ stop drinking/ quit your dead-end job? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. According to research, anywhere from 40-70% of adults make New Year’s resolutions… but only 8% actually keep them. Wait, what?!? 8%. That’s it.  Okay y’all, clearly…

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5 For Friday: the Christmas Edition

Yes, I know it’s not quite Friday yet, but this week Friday is also Christmas Day, so let’s get a head start on this, shall we? Reading: Christmas cookie recipes. So far, we’ve gone through lemon cookies, strawberry cookies, chocolate chip cheesecake bars, and pretzel kisses. Next we’re going to make snowballs, M&M cookies, and almond cookies. Luckily I have…

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holiday fitness guide

Fitness? Bah, humbug!

For many of us, the road to New Year’s Eve is paved with goodies. Mom’s peanut butter fudge. The neighbor’s chocolate-dipped pretzels. Your bestie’s lemon bars. And then we skip the gym, because hey! Hallmark movies are on. No one wants to start the New Year in stretchy pants. So what can you do when temptation is all around? Here are…

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5 for Friday, 12.18.20

Reading: “Untamed” by Glennon Doyle. Simply amazing. I feel like she’s lit a fire in my soul. Do yourself a favor and read this if you haven’t. Watching: allllll the Hallmark movies. I know, I know but I just can’t help myself. I need to know whether the town cupcake baker is going to fall in love with the cranky…

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Love & Lemons

I must confess: I do not enjoy baking, not at all. I’m a haphazard cook, at best. Ask me for a recipe and I’ll most likely shrug and say, “I don’t remember, I think I just added some garlic and baked it until it looked about done.” Like a good Latina should. So to me, baking is a trial. Absolute…

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Well, hello there

Hey y’all!  So, I guess this post is where I welcome you to Leggings & Laptops? Okay then… welcome! And thank you. Thank you for stopping by and reading the random collection of thoughts that I’ve cobbled together. Why Leggings?   Well, the best reply is actually not a reply, but rather another question: Why not leggings? I mean, come on…

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