Ready to Start Running Again? Check Out the C25K App

Before I start, I have a disclaimer for y’all: yes, this is a product review. No, I’m not getting paid for it.  If you read my previous post about getting my booty off the couch and out for a run, I promised you a product review. And here it is! The one product that has (sort of) made me a…

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You’re a virgin who can’t drive…

Raise your hand if you know what movie that line came from. (If you didn’t raise your hand, do yourself a favor, put down your phone and go watch Clueless right now.) I’ve had that phrase stuck in my head all week. Because I looked at myself in the mirror the other day and thought, “You’re a runner who doesn’t…

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Ah stretches… they feel so good; we know they feel so good, yet very few of us actively stretch on a regular basis. We would rather optimize our gym time with a “real” workout, with a few half-hearted warmup/cooldown stretches thrown in, than to spend 10-15 precious minutes of our gym time on stretching our bodies.  But stretching is a…

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holiday fitness guide

Fitness? Bah, humbug!

For many of us, the road to New Year’s Eve is paved with goodies. Mom’s peanut butter fudge. The neighbor’s chocolate-dipped pretzels. Your bestie’s lemon bars. And then we skip the gym, because hey! Hallmark movies are on. No one wants to start the New Year in stretchy pants. So what can you do when temptation is all around? Here are…

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