Drink Up!

I’ve been thinking a lot about morning rituals lately. I think it’s because I miss running, which is my favorite thing I used to do consistently. I really want to make time for running again, if not every morning than at least 4-5 times per week. I felt so much better, physically and emotionally, when I was a runner.


Thinking about my morning rituals made me start thinking about some other things we (okay, *I*) should be doing every morning. And I know that drinking a big ol’ glass of water is right up there. Don’t get me wrong, I have a giant hot pink Hydro Flask that I take everywhere, so I drink plenty of water. But there’s just something about drinking water first thing in the morning…

Depending on how long you slept, it’s likely been at least 8 hours since you had anything to drink. You need to drink water to rehydrate your body. Dehydration is one of the leading causes of headaches, which you can avoid just by drinking a glass or 2 of water. Dehydration can also cause fatigue and “brain fog”, so drinking water helps you start your day alert and energized. 

There are so many health benefits to drinking water first thing in the morning: 

  1. Increased Metabolism: Drinking water on an empty stomach will increase your metabolism by up to 25%. Since increased metabolism will help you burn more calories, this can lead to weight loss.
  2. Decreased Calorie Consumption: Drinking water before meals will make you feel fuller. So, drinking water before breakfast will result in you eating a smaller breakfast, which also helps with weight loss.
  3. Flushing Toxins: Drinking water in the morning helps flush toxins from your body. Water also stimulates your small intestine, promoting bowel movements and getting rid of waste that accumulated overnight. 
  4. Improved Immune System: Your lymphatic system – an important part of your immune system – needs water to function properly. Drinking a glass of water first thing in the morning will help you fight off a cold or flu more effectively. 

If you’re worried about aging skin, your morning glass of water could be your biggest ally. Your skin needs to be properly hydrated to retain its elasticity and avoid wrinkling. So drinking water first thing in the morning can help you achieve beautiful, glowing skin.

So drink up, y’all!

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