Love & Lemons

I must confess: I do not enjoy baking, not at all. I’m a haphazard cook, at best. Ask me for a recipe and I’ll most likely shrug and say, “I don’t remember, I think I just added some garlic and baked it until it looked about done.” Like a good Latina should. So to me, baking is a trial. Absolute torture. Having to measure every. single. ingredient. and then set a timer – it just kills me. 

So yeah, baking is not my thing. But you know what is my thing? The scent of fresh baked cookies. The fact that my snarky tween turns into a sweetheart of a kitchen helper. Watching my husband and kids and mom devour their favorite treats. And if I want all of that goodness, I first have to deal with the baking. There is a huge life metaphor in there: I know it, and you know it. But guess what? I have lemon cookies in the oven so I’m not here for this deep talk. Instead, I’m just going to share my absolute favorite (read: easiest) and most requested cookie recipe. Behold: lemon drop cookies. 

My world-famous lemon cookie recipe:

  • Box of lemon cake mix
  • ½ of an 8oz. carton of Cool Whip
  • An egg
  • A bowl with some confectioner’s sugar (no, I don’t know how much)
  1. Preheat the oven to 350
  2. Mix the cake mix and Cool Whip together
  3. Mix in the egg
  4. Drop the dough by the teaspoon into the powdered sugar, coat it completely in sugar, and then roll into a ball
  5. Bake for 8-10 minutes. 

That’s it! Easy-peasy, right? But here’s the trick that you cannot forget: you have to rub some of the confectioner’s sugar on your hands before you start working with the dough. Because that dough is STICKY. All-caps sticky. And if you don’t do that, ugh. Trust me and just put the sugar on your hands, okay? 

P.S. – you’re welcome for this one! And let me know how they turn out!

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