Ready to Start Running Again? Check Out the C25K App


Before I start, I have a disclaimer for y’all: yes, this is a product review. No, I’m not getting paid for it. 

If you read my previous post about getting my booty off the couch and out for a run, I promised you a product review. And here it is! The one product that has (sort of) made me a runner again.  

I have to say that HOLY COW! The C25K app might be one of my favorite fitness apps in a long time. I honestly wasn’t too sure what to expect, so I downloaded the free version. And figured, eh, I’ll give it a try. I mean, I really wanted to start running again, and desperately needed some inspo. 

So I laced up my sneakers, popped in my earbuds, and hit the road. 

I can honestly tell you that this app made me so happy to be a runner!

So… what is C25K?

C25K stands for Couch to 5k. It’s an offshoot of the popular Couch Potato to 5k running program. The original C25K was a program – written out, old school, on paper – that could take you from being a couch potato (i.e. no running experience) to finishing a 5k (3.1 miles) in just 8 weeks. 

C25K works by gradually increasing the amount of time you run. So for example, the first week you run (or jog, I’m not judging!) 60 seconds, then walk for 90 seconds. 8 cycles, then cool down. Each week, you increase the amount of time you run and decrease how long you walk, until BAM! You can run a 5k. 

But do you need the app?

Look, I’m ancient. I remember actually having a printout of the C25K program on my desk. Then I’d go for a run with a stopwatch, and literally be watching the time, so I would know when to switch back and forth between running and walking. What. A. Hassle. 

I only lasted for about 2 weeks then gave up. Who the heck wants to run with a stopwatch in hand?! I run for the freedom and the fresh air and the pure fun of it, not to be counting seconds. It definitely was not for me. 

So yeah, I was skeptical of the app. 

But then I tried it. 

Are you ready to start running again?!

Go outside or hop on the treadmill. Start your music – I know some of you run without music but I would DIEEEEEE. So yeah, start your music, then start the app. You’ll begin with a 5 minute warmup, which you can walk or jog or whatever. 

Then suddenly you’ll hear a polite little reminder to start running. Um, okay. So I ran. It’s only 60 seconds, I can do anything for 60 seconds. Then the little voice popped back up, over my music. “Begin walking.” Sweet! Eight more times, and that’s it. Easy-peasy. 

After you finish your run, the app checks it off. Yay for the sense of accomplishment! There are 3 runs per week, for 8 weeks. And you’ll run a 5k on the last day. If you need to repeat a week, you can select whatever day you want to repeat. (Confession: it took me over two weeks to finish Week 2.)


  • Super easy to use
  • You don’t have to track the time increments on your own
  • You can play your own music


  • The time intervals are preset for you


LOVE! Love it. Whether you’re just getting started as a runner (heyyyyy welcome!) or you want to start running again, this app makes it so, so, SO easy.

Happy trails! And remember: you’ll run faster in pink sneakers!

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