5 Tips for Meditating (without dying of boredom)

Relax and say ommmm…

I have a confession to make: I am terrible at meditating. The worst. Seriously. 

And it’s not because I don’t try. Trust me, I try. I get in my pose, close my eyes, clear my mind, focus on my breathing. Everything I’m supposed to be doing, right? 

And then, after my allotted 20 minutes, I look at my watch… 4 minutes?!? What?!? How is that even possible? It felt like I was meditating for a MONTH. 

Oh, I love the idea of it. I love the idea of doing nothing, relaxing my body, connecting with my soul. I love it all. In theory. 

The problems arise when I try to actually meditate. Why is it so boring? Is it just me, or are the rest of you having trouble finding your zen, too?

We need to work on this, y’all. Meditation has so many benefits for our minds, and our bodies. 

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Improves respiratory system
  • Lowers cortisol level = less stress
  • Improves sleep

So for my sake, and yours, I’ve put together the top 5 tips for making it through a meditation. 

  1. Wear comfortable clothes. You’ll never be able to meditate probably if you’re distracted by an itchy tag. 
  2. Likewise, choose a comfy position. You’re going to be sitting for a while, and preferably staying more or less still. You don’t have to be on the floor, either – meditating in your favorite chair is still meditating.
  3. Set a timer on your phone, so you don’t keep opening one eye to look at your watch. Ideally, you would meditate 10-15 minutes every day. But if you are new to it, start off with just 5 minutes and work your way up.
  4. Regulate your breathing. Inhale deeply, letting the air fill your lungs and expand your body. Exhale, and let your body soften as you release. I always tell myself that I’m inhaling all the good vibes and exhaling all the sketchy vibes. You know, like Buddha used to say.
  5. Don’t get frustrated with the thoughts coming to your mind, but try to ignore them and focus on your body and your breathing. If you really can’t clear your mind, try listening to nature sounds (I know it’s cold, play them off of YouTube!) or try a guided meditation. 

Yours in Peace & Ommmmm,

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