Well, hello there

Hey y’all! 

So, I guess this post is where I welcome you to Leggings & Laptops? Okay then… welcome! And thank you. Thank you for stopping by and reading the random collection of thoughts that I’ve cobbled together.

Why Leggings?  

Well, the best reply is actually not a reply, but rather another question: Why not leggings? I mean, come on – leggings are my JAM. Shoot, aren’t they everybody’s jam? If I’m wearing leggings, you would probably think that I had either just finished a run or was on my way to the gym. (Spoiler alert: I’m usually wearing them because I didn’t want to get dressed that day and leggings are as comfortable as pajamas.) 

Of course, that was all pre-pandemic. Nowadays, if I wear leggings all day, it is because I am working from home and thus doing my part to end the dumpster fire that is 2020. You’re weeeeelcome.  

But then why the laptops?  

Well, if we want to stick with the whole save-the-world-by-staying-home theme, then yeah, obviously we need to go with laptops as an accessory. Right? Right. And since we are still quarantining-ish… I need my laptop to watch movies, pin Christmas cookie recipes, Zoom with my family and friends, and oh yeah, write a novel (shhhhh that last one’s a secret!).  

Also, I have kind of a thing for creating. Content, copy, graphics, infographics, logos… alllllll the fun stuff that the cool kids are doing. Yes, I need a laptop for that, too. 

So yeah, leggings and laptops 

Want to hear a little personal story? When we first went into quarantine, I was one of those annoyingly energetic fitness instructors teaching online. I taught multiple classes per week for family and friends. It kept me busy. It kept me healthy. It kept me sane. 

At that point, they were no longer just leggings and laptops. They were the sword and the shield that I wielded to fight boredom, anxiety, and fear. And when we finally step out of the shadow of this pandemic and go back to living, truly living, our lives, I have no doubt that my trusty leggings and laptops will be with me as I face whatever the future may bring.  

2 thoughts on “Well, hello there

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words & encouragement, Allyson. That made my day! Oh and keep watching this space – I have plenty more to say!

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