You’re a virgin who can’t drive…

Raise your hand if you know what movie that line came from. (If you didn’t raise your hand, do yourself a favor, put down your phone and go watch Clueless right now.)

I’ve had that phrase stuck in my head all week. Because I looked at myself in the mirror the other day and thought, “You’re a runner who doesn’t run.”

I’ve defined myself as a runner for a long time. A looooong time. We’re talking decades here. (Yes, I really am that old.) (Also, I’m using parentheses a lot today.) 

I’ve always thought of myself as a runner. 5ks, ½ marathons. Running for fun, running on vacation, running in other countries. I run, okay?

Except that now I don’t. It started a couple of years ago with a foot injury, which I ignored long enough that it turned into a hip injury. 

But I’ve been healthy for quite a while now – except for a minor foot fracture that we aren’t going to talk about. So what gives?


I need motivation. I need something that’s going to push me into my running shoes and out the door. Right now, it’s a mix of wanting to call myself a runner again and Victoria’s Secret having some really cute swim bottoms on sale. Whatever works, right?

As soon as it warms up, I’m headed out the door, people. Stay tuned. If you don’t hear from me again, I’m somewhere on mile 3, thumb out, because I’m too tired to make it home on my own. 

Peace Out,

2 thoughts on “You’re a virgin who can’t drive…

  1. Girl it’s like 75 degrees out. Why you so cold all the time! Hahahaha
    I read the title (of course I knew the movie) and thought it would about one of your boys!

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